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Shop New York License Businesses With Me Donation Credits.

Shop In Mix Realities With Charity Game Credits


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Shop New York City License Businesses with charity game credits!

What is the purpose of the

The purpose of the pilot test is to provide documents to the Bronx Community College President for the chance to have our New York Start Up Contracts

What benefits do the New York Start Up

The New York Start Up Contracts offer ten years state tax free on all our creations earnings that qualify for the benefits.

How can members access Unity game development assets?

Members can access $20,000 in Unity game development assets by paying $400 a year.

What can members do with the game credits

Members can use their game credits to shop at New York license businesses.

How are company developers compensated?

Company developers earn commissions each time a player’s earnings are transferred from their game to the player ledger.

What is the target audience for the pilot test?

The target audience for the pilot test is located in The Bronx, New York City and has interests in

Shop NYC License Businesses

Support local businesses with charity game credits


We are pilot testing in The Bronx of New York City our Unity Applications allowing citizens to shop New York City License Businesses with charity video game credits

John Doe


ABC Company
